Archaeology as a field has changed and evolved over the last century, as has the experience of women in this once male-dominated field. Join us as we host a panel of North Carolina female archaeologists in the private and public sectors to discuss their diverse experiences in the field. Come to the NC Museum of History with your own questions to ask our team of experts!

Dr. Susan Bamann
Regional Director and Senior Archaeologist
Commonwealth Heritage Group
Tarboro, NC

Kimberly Kenyon
Senior Conservator
Queen Anne's Revenge Conservation Lab
Greenville, NC

Dr. Margaret Scarry
Professor, Chair of Curriculum in Archaeology,
and Director of the Research Labs of Archaeology
University of North Carolina
Chapel Hill, NC

Dr. Linda Stine
Assistant Professor
University of North Carolina
Greensboro, NC

Dr. Alice P. Wright
Assistant Professor
Appalachian State University
Boone, NC