Note: If you want to report graves being disturbed please contact your local sheriff's office. Your sheriff's contact information can be found at the NC Sheriffs' Association.
About the Program
The NC Office of State Archaeology’s Historic Cemetery Program has two objectives:
- Research: Identify, inventory, map, describe, and permanently record existing cemeteries in North Carolina that meet the federal definition of “historic” (meaning they are at least 50 years old) (36 CFR §60.4)) regardless of size, type, physical characteristics, or location. This is done to permanently preserve historical, genealogical, sociological, demographic, and cultural data for descendants, researchers, and interested North Carolinians.
- Assistance: Help descendants, researchers, and interested North Carolinians with their cemetery questions. This might include sharing cemetery care best practices, connecting with professional researchers, restoration specialists, and archaeologists, identifying relevant NC General Statutes, sharing cemetery cultural and material characteristics, devising action, management, and outreach strategies, and more.
On this page you will find:
- Cemetery reporting forms
- Frequently asked questions about North Carolina cemeteries
- Relevant NC General Statutes about cemeteries
- Resources, webinars, and recorded workshops
Not seeing the answers you need? Contact OSA Staff
Melissa Timo, Historic Cemetery Specialist or 919-814-6562
- The NC Historic Preservation Office’s interactive resource map, HPOWeb
- The 1938 Works Progress Administration NC Cemetery Survey records
- The National Park Service’s National Center for Preservation Technology and Training (NCPTT) cemetery conservation resources page
- “Digging into North Carolina’s African American Cemeteries” (March 2022)- In partnership with Preservation NC
- “In Safe Hands: An Intro to Cemetery Care” (March 2022)- In partnership with North Carolina Preservation Consortium
- “Beginners Guide to African American Cemetery Preservation” (March 2022)- In partnership with the North Carolina African American Heritage Commission
Recorded Workshops
- “Building a Historic Cemetery Community” (July 2021)- In partnership with the North Carolina African American Heritage Commission and the South Asheville Cemetery Association
- “African American Cemetery Preservation with Elizabeth City State University” (February 2021)- In partnership with the North Carolina African American Heritage Commission and the Elizabeth City State University