Climate Change and Archaeology References

Predicting Impacts, Tracking Changes, Saving our Heritage

Bertolin, Chiara
2019       Preservation of Cultural Heritage and Resources Threatened by Climate Change. Geosciences, 9(6):250.

Brimblecombe, P., C.M. Grossi, I. Harris
2006       Climate Change Critical to Cultural Heritage. In Heritage, Weathering and Conservation, edited by Rafael Fort, Monica Alvarez de Buergo, Miguel Gomez-Heras, and Carmen Vazquez-Calvo. Taylor and Francis Group, London.

Carroll, Paul, and Eeva Aarrevaara
2018       Review of Potential Risk Factors of Cultural Heritage Sites and Initial Modelling for Adaptation to Climate Change. Geosciences, 8(9):322.

Cassar, JoAnn
2016       Climate Change and Archaeological Sites: Adaptation Strategies. In Cultural Heritage from Pollution to Climate Change, edited by Roger-Alexandre Lefѐvre and Cristina Sabbioni. pp. 119-127. Centro Universitario Europeo per i Beni Culturali: Ravello.

Erlandson, Jon McVey
2008       Racing a Rising Tide: Global Warming, Rising Seas, and the Erosion of Human History. Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology, 3:167-169.

2012       As the world warms: Rising seas, coastal archaeology and the erosion of maritime history. Journal of Coastal Conservation, 16:137-142.

Kunkel, K.E., D.R. Easterling, A. Ballinger, S. Bililign, S.M. Champion, D.R. Corbett, K.D. Dello, J. Dissen, G.M. Lackmann, R.A. Luettich, Jr., L.B. Perry, W.A. Robinson, L.E.  Stevens, B.C. Stewart, and A.J. Terando
2020       North Carolina Climate Science Report. North Carolina Institute for Climate Studies.

Teruel Cano, David, Sandra Fatorić, and Martijn Manders
2020       The impacts of climate on cultural heritage in the Netherlands: A preliminary assessment of exposure. Report on file at Delft University of Technology.

Predicting Effects of Climate Change on Archaeological Sites

Alcasena, Fermín J., Michele Salis, Alan A. Ager, Bachisio Arca, Domingo Molina, and Donatella Spano
2015       Assessing Landscape Scale Wildfire Exposure for Highly Valued Resources in a Mediterranean Area. Environmental Management, 55(5):1200-1216.

Anderson DG, Bissett TG, Yerka SJ, Wells JJ, Kansa EC, Kansa SW, et al.
2017       Sea-level rise and archaeological site destruction: An example from the southeastern United States using DINAA (Digital Index of North American Archaeology). PLoS ONE, 12(11).

Bethencourt, Manuel, Tomás Fernández-Montblanc, Alfredo Izquierdo, Manuel María González-Duarte, Cristina Muñoz-Mas
2018       Study of the influence of physical, chemical and biological conditions that influence the deterioration and protection of Underwater Cultural Heritage. Science of the Total Environment, 613-614:98-114.

Bird, Michele K.
1992       The Impacts of Tropical Cyclones on the Archaeological Record: An Australian Example. Archaeology in Oceania, 27(2):75-86.

Björdal, Charlotte Gjelstrup and David Gregory
2012       WreckProtect: Decay and protection of archaeological wooden shipwrecks. Archaeopress Ltd.: Oxford.

Carroll, Paul, and Eeva Aarrevaara
2018       Review of Potential Risk Factors of Cultural Heritage Sites and Initial Modelling for Adaptation to Climate Change. Geosciences, 8(9):322.

Cassar, JoAnn
2016       Climate Change and Archaeological Sites: Adaptation Strategies. In Cultural Heritage from Pollution to Climate Change, edited by Roger-Alexandre Lefѐvre and Cristina Sabbioni. pp. 119-128. Centro Universitario Europeo per i Beni Culturali, Ravello.

Elliott, Patrick & Harry Williams
2019       Evaluating sea-level rise hazards on coastal archaeological sites, Trinity Bay, Texas. The Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology, 16(2-4):591-609.

Fitzpatrick, Scott Michael
2010       On the shoals of giants: natural catastrophes and the overall destruction of the Caribbean’s archaeological record. Journal of Coastal Conservation, 16:173-186.

International Panel on Climate Change
2021       Climate Change 2021: The Physical Science Basis. Working Group I Contribution to the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Edited by Masson-Delmotte, V., P. Zhai, A. Pirani, S.L. Connors, C. Péan, S. Berger, N. Caud, Y. Chen, L. Goldfarb, M.I. Gomis, M. Huang, K. Leitzell, E. Lonnoy, J.B.R. Matthews, T.K. Maycock, T. Waterfield, O. Yelekçi, R. Yu, and B. Zhou. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, In press.

Ives, Timothy H., Kevin A. McBride & Joseph N. Waller
2018       Surveying Coastal Archaeological Sites Damaged by Hurricane Sandy in Rhode Island, USA. The Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology, 13(1):66-89.

Johnson, Adam, Lisa Marrack & Sara Dolan
2015       Threats to Coastal Archaeological Sites and the Effects of Future Climate Change: Impacts of the 2011 Tsunami and an Assessment of Future Sea-Level Rise at Hōnaunau, Hawai’i. The Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology, 10(2):232-252.

Johnson, Erlend M., B. Gudveig Baarli, Markes E. Johnson, Pastor R. Gomez Zuñiga
2019       Effects of hurricanes, mudslides, flooding, and riverine erosion on the erasure of archaeological sites in tropical, highland Honduras. Geoarchaeology, 35(3):338-350.

Jones, Anne Trinkle, and Robert C. Euler
1986       Effects of Forest Fires on Archaeological Resources at Grand Canyon National Park. North American Archaeologist, 7(3):243-254.

Kunkel, K.E., D.R. Easterling, A. Ballinger, S. Bililign, S.M. Champion, D.R. Corbett, K.D. Dello, J. Dissen, G.M. Lackmann, R.A. Luettich, Jr., L.B. Perry, W.A. Robinson, L.E.  Stevens, B.C. Stewart, and A.J. Terando
2020       North Carolina Climate Science Report. North Carolina Institute for Climate Studies.

Larsson, Anton
2021       Landslides vs Archaeology: Case Studies of Site Loss and Emergency Fieldwork in Västra Götaland County, Sweden. Current Swedish Archaeology, 29(1):183-205.

Lewis, R. Barry
2000       Sea-level Rise and Subsidence Effects on Gulf Coast Archaeological Site Distributions. American Antiquity, 65(3):525-541.

Lowery, Darrin L.., Michael A. O’Neal, Sebastian Carisio, and Tessa Montini
2012       Sea Level Rise in Coastal Virginia: Understanding Impacts to Archaeological Resources. Manuscript on file at Virginia Department of Historic Resources: Newport News, VA.

Maio, C.V., A.M. Gontz, D.E. Tenenbaum, and E.P. Berkland
2012       Coastal Hazard Vulnerability Assessment of Sensitive Historical Sites on Rainsford Island, Boston Harbor, Massachusetts. Journal of Coastal Research, 28(1A):20-33.

Perez-Alvaro, Elena
2016       Climate change and underwater cultural heritage: Impacts and challenges. Journal of Cultural Heritage, 21:842-848.

Reeder-Myers, Leslie A., and Mark D. McCoy
2019       Preparing for the Future Impacts of Megastorms on Archaeological Sites: An Evaluation of Flooding from Hurricane Harvey, Houston, Texas. American Antiquity, 84(2):292-301.

Robinson, Michael H., Clark R. Alexander, Chester W. Jackson, Christopher P. McCabe, and David Crass
2010       Threatened Archaeological, Historic, and Cultural Resources of the Georgia Coast: Identification, Prioritization and Management Using GIS Technology. Geoarchaeology, 25(3):312-326.

Richards, Vicki, Ian MacLeod & Peter Veth
2016       The Australian Historic Shipwreck Preservation Project: In situ Preservation and Long-Term Monitoring of the Clarence (1850) and James Matthews (1841) Shipwreck Sites. Conservation and Management of Archaeological Sites, 18(1-3):240-253.

Spalding, Mark J.
2011       Perverse Sea Change: Underwater Cultural Heritage in the Ocean is Facing Chemical and Physical Changes. Cultural Heritage and Arts Review, 2(1):12-16.

Stocchi, P., L. Girometti, G. Spada, M. Anzidei, and F. Colleoni
2009       Post-glacial readjustment, sea level variations, subsidence and erosion along the Italian coasts. Bollettino di Geofisica Teorica ed Applicata, 50(2):129-144.

Sugg, Maggie, Lauren Andersen, Elizabeth Shay, Jennifer Schroeder, and Jennifer Runkle
2021       Climate, Environment, and Public Health in Western North Carolina. The Journal of the Blue Cross NC Institute for Health & Human Services: Sustainable Health, pp.76-85.

Westley, Kiernan, Trevor Bell, M.A.P. Renouf, and Lev Tarasov
2011       Impact Assessment of Current and Future Sea-Level Change on  Coastal Archaeological Resources – Illustrated Examples from Northern Newfoundland. Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology, 6(3):351-374.

Wright, Jeneva
2016       Maritime Archaeology and Climate Change: An Invitation. Journal of Maritime Archaeology, 11(3):255-270.

Different Risks in Different Places

Kunkel, K.E., D.R. Easterling, A. Ballinger, S. Bililign, S.M. Champion, D.R. Corbett, K.D. Dello, J. Dissen, G.M. Lackmann, R.A. Luettich, Jr., L.B. Perry, W.A. Robinson, L.E.  Stevens, B.C. Stewart, and A.J. Terando
2020       North Carolina Climate Science Report. North Carolina Institute for Climate Studies.

Submerged Bottomlands

Björdal, Charlotte Gjelstrup and David Gregory
2012       WreckProtect: Decay and protection of archaeological wooden shipwrecks. Archaeopress Ltd.: Oxford.

Spalding, Mark J.
2011       Perverse Sea Change: Underwater Cultural Heritage in the Ocean is Facing Chemical and Physical Changes. Cultural Heritage and Arts Review, 2(1):12-16.

Wright, Jeneva
2016       Maritime Archaeology and Climate Change: An Invitation. Journal of Maritime Archaeology, 11(3):255-270.

Outer Coastal Plain

Björdal, Charlotte Gjelstrup and David Gregory
2012       WreckProtect: Decay and protection of archaeological wooden shipwrecks. Archaeopress Ltd.: Oxford.

Inner Coastal Plain

Carroll, Paul, and Eeva Aarrevaara
2018       Review of Potential Risk Factors of Cultural Heritage Sites and Initial Modelling for Adaptation to Climate Change. Geosciences, 8(9):322.

Cassar, JoAnn
2016       Climate Change and Archaeological Sites: Adaptation Strategies. In Cultural Heritage from Pollution to Climate Change, edited by Roger-Alexandre Lefѐvre and Cristina Sabbioni. pp. 119-128. Centro Universitario Europeo per i Beni Culturali, Ravello.

Piedmont and Fall Zone

Carroll, Paul, and Eeva Aarrevaara
2018       Review of Potential Risk Factors of Cultural Heritage Sites and Initial Modelling for Adaptation to Climate Change. Geosciences, 8(9):322.

Cassar, JoAnn
2016       Climate Change and Archaeological Sites: Adaptation Strategies. In Cultural Heritage from Pollution to Climate Change, edited by Roger-Alexandre Lefѐvre and Cristina Sabbioni. pp. 119-128. Centro Universitario Europeo per i Beni Culturali, Ravello.


Alcasena, Fermín J., Michele Salis, Alan A. Ager, Bachisio Arca, Domingo Molina, and Donatella Spano
2015       Assessing Landscape Scale Wildfire Exposure for Highly Valued Resources in a Mediterranean Area. Environmental Management, 55(5):1200-1216.

Berg, Robbie
2021       Tropical Storm Fred (AL062021) 11-17 August 2021. Tropical Cyclone Report, National Hurricane Center.

Carroll, Paul, and Eeva Aarrevaara
2018       Review of Potential Risk Factors of Cultural Heritage Sites and Initial Modelling for Adaptation to Climate Change. Geosciences, 8(9):322.

Cassar, JoAnn
2016       Climate Change and Archaeological Sites: Adaptation Strategies. In Cultural Heritage from Pollution to Climate Change, edited by Roger-Alexandre Lefѐvre and Cristina Sabbioni. pp. 119-128. Centro Universitario Europeo per i Beni Culturali, Ravello.

Sugg, Maggie, Lauren Andersen, Elizabeth Shay, Jennifer Schroeder, and Jennifer Runkle
2021       Climate, Environment, and Public Health in Western North Carolina. The Journal of the Blue Cross NC Institute for Health & Human Services: Sustainable Health, pp.76-85.

Watching and Saving Important Places at Risk

Cassar, JoAnn
2016       Climate Change and Archaeological Sites: Adaptation Strategies. In Cultural Heritage from Pollution to Climate Change, edited by Roger-Alexandre Lefѐvre and Cristina Sabbioni. pp. 119-128. Centro Universitario Europeo per i Beni Culturali, Ravello.

Ives, Timothy H., Kevin A. McBride & Joseph N. Waller
2018       Surveying Coastal Archaeological Sites Damaged by Hurricane Sandy in Rhode Island, USA. The Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology, 13(1):66-89.

McCoy, Mark D.
2018       The Race to Document Archaeological Sites Ahead of Rising Sea Levels: Recent Applications of Geospatial Technologies in the Archaeology of Polynesia. Sustainability, 10(1):185.

North Carolina Shorescape Survey

Beven, John L., II, Robbie Berg, and Andrew Hagen
2019       Hurricane Michael (AL142018) 7-11 October 2018. Tropical Cyclone Report, National Hurricane Center.

National Park Service
2019       Interior’s National Park Service Provides $47.8 Million in Assistance to Communities Impacted by Hurricanes Florence, Michael, and Typhoon Yutu. News release, November 25, 2019. U.S. Department of the Interior.

Stewart, Stacy R., and Robbie Berg
2019       Hurricane Florence (AL062018) 31 August-17 September 2018. Tropical Cyclone Report, National Hurricane Center.

North Carolina Cemetery Survey

Beven, John L., II, Robbie Berg, and Andrew Hagen
2019       Hurricane Michael (AL142018) 7-11 October 2018. Tropical Cyclone Report, National Hurricane Center.

National Park Service
2019       Interior’s National Park Service Provides $47.8 Million in Assistance to Communities Impacted by Hurricanes Florence, Michael, and Typhoon Yutu. News release, November 25, 2019. U.S. Department of the Interior.

Stewart, Stacy R., and Robbie Berg
2019       Hurricane Florence (AL062018) 31 August-17 September 2018. Tropical Cyclone Report, National Hurricane Center.

Beach Wreck Tagging Program

Atkinson, Stephen
2021       Driven Ashore and Gone to Pieces – Beach Wrecks of North Carolina. Submerged NC Webinar Series, NOAA Monitor National Marine Sanctuary.

Bright, Leslie S.
1982       Rodanthe Shipwreck Fragment. Manuscript on file, North Carolina Underwater Archaeology Branch, Kure Beach.

1990       Outer Banks Beached Shipwreck Survey. Manuscript on file, North Carolina Underwater Archaeology Branch, Kure Beach.

1993       Beached Shipwreck Dynamics. Underwater Archaeology Proceedings from the Society for Historical Archaeology Conference. 1993: 91-94.

Delgado, James P.
1985       A Preliminary Assessment of Environmentally Exposed Shipwreck Remains, Cape Hatteras National Seashore, North Carolina. Manuscript on file, US Department of Interior, National Park Service, San Francisco, CA.

Kilbourne, James
2005 Beaufort Inlet to Hatteras Inlet Beach Wreck Survey. Manuscript on file, North Carolina Underwater Archaeology Branch, Kure Beach.

Lawrence, Richard W.
1977       The Underwater Archaeology Unit Investigates a New Beached Shipwreck at Corolla. Manuscript on file, North Carolina Underwater Archaeology Branch, Kure Beach.

Brunswick Town Wave Attenuators

Brunswick Town/Fort Anderson State Historic Site
2022       History. NC Historic Sites, NC Department of Natural and Cultural Resources.

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